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What's New?
Together, Trusted
Mimecast, an email and collaboration security company has partnered with the global cyber security specialist distributor, Exclusive Networks, to enable more companies to work protected against cyberattacks and continue to grow in a complex and ever-evolving threat landscape.

Learn more about the partnership and how together we can protect against growing cyber attacks.
Meet Your Mimecast Team At Exclusive Networks
Whether you need commercial, technical or marketing support our dedicated Mimecast team has you covered.
Richard Cook
Business Unit Manager
Samantha Stevens
Mimecast Business Manager
Sian Bull
UK Senior Product Sales Specialist

Ben Docherty
UK Product Sales Specialist
Abbie Gray
UK Product Sales Specialist
Aoife Purcell
Key Account Manager (Ireland)
Sarah Bright
Vendor Executive Team Leader
Laura Fitzpatrick
Senior Marketing Executive
Thomas Eldridge
Security Consultant
About Mimecast
Advanced email & collaboration security
Since 2003, Mimecast has stopped bad things from happening to good organisations by enabling them to work protected. We empower over 40,000 customers to mitigate risk and manage complexities across a threat landscape driven by malicious cyberattacks, human error, and technology fallibility. Our advanced solutions provide proactive threat detection, brand protection, awareness training, and data retention capabilities evolving workplaces need today. Mimecast transforms email and collaboration security into the eyes and ears of organisations worldwide.

Founded by Peter Bauer and Neil Murray in
13 offices globally
40,000+ customers in more than 100 countries
2,000+employees worldwide
16 awards and accolades so far in 2022 alone
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